Barbaras Gallery

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myself, The Travelling Artist

My inspirations and energy flow for painting comes while travelling. 

It is that very moment of being in a street, sensing emotions, sitting in a café or in the country side that kicks off a sketch, a drawing, a certain element or even an entire painting.

As a travelling artist I started along my business trips - always carrying along a sketch book - then after a while I wanted to simply get started, bringing onto the canvas and paper the ideas I had. It is like writing - once there is a flow you cannot stop or at least should not. Otherwise all the great inner something ideas just pass by and get lost.

Over time I started to travel with other artists and those that are on the road, too - where we meet in European and international locations, create even our artworks in busy streets, public piazzas, surrounded by locals, tourists, and even entire school classes. It was funny and again I turned speechless - fully concentrated on what I heard and observed and looking up from my artwork and - ! - encountered an entire school class in front of me, carefully and totally silent watching what I have been doing there. My concentration was gone and my little French I speak tried to meet up with the kids talking to me. The kids - somewhat six or seven years old - did not want to pass - the teacher tried hard. It was an enjoyable moment.

Other moments occur when simply resting in fascinating landscapes or at very lonely places. 

Inspired by the beauty I encounter and the distinct lifestyles I observe, thoughts are passing by and ideas are floating in.

I see many great artworks from artists from developing countries, encountering challenges and reflecting these challenges of hunger, war, tragedy, suffering, and hope in their works. I like to see my artworks having a positive impact - nevertheless knowing about how it is to get around in difficult times when grief and fear try to crumble in. It is my firm believe that the richness of life turns out into a positive something. It might take longer than expected to be visible, yet it is there.

Observing and digesting arrive in art as a pair: the glimpse of catching something and letting it flow and revealing it later is a process of its own. It happens in a very moment of inner resting and energy flow, almost unconsciously.

Might you meet a travelling artist one day when travelling, too!

Barbara Flügge