A Season of Transformation

2018 was a year full of transformation. My very personal year of transformation.

Leaving a corporate life after 16.5 years was not only leaving a job. It left behind my dedication to SAP’s clients, business partners, and peers. It meant to leave behind friendships built, trustworthy work relationships full of fun and creativity and respect - unless those continue despite distinct interests and the rush of daily, short-term business routines of a corporate fellow.

It has not been the perfect timing and decision taking at all. Is any timing perfect? Would successful executives and business people, authors and startups knew it in advance, we missed the great after-the-fact stories and encouragements. We missed the looking-backs about difficulties and struggles, about new contacts and relationships that get formed. We missed the business model innovation and ecosystems & design thinking sessions that focus on innovative services and tools that challenge existing ones. We missed the opportunity to alter new fields with the highest degree of curiosity. No, there is no perfect timing. And that is comforting.

So I decided to enter the freelance community and explore something new. Painting is a great source of support and focus. Painting more than ever is my vehicle to express with an infinite range of colors, structures and arrangements. The paintings of the Transformation 2018 series reveal my very own conviction that this is a lifetime opportunity to start something new and despite any struggle, efforts, and down times to move on.

Your entry to the Transformation 2018 series:

2019 is now here and transformation continues. All the best for your very own transformation plans.

Mine are now barbara flügge digital value creators (short: Digital Value Creators) - a boutique advisory that dedicates its work on supporting corporates and startups, hubs and ecosystems to facilitate their field and service offerings in time of continuous transition and digital transformation.

Barbara Flügge